Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2009

Exclusive Entrevista: La Inspiración De Nelly Furtado

Even international pop stars need role models, y para Nelly Furtado, la artista to whom she most looks up to is Julieta Venegas. Good choice, Nelly! We sat down with the "Manos Al Aire" cantante to get find out more about the inspirations behind su nuevo album en español, Mi Plan. When we asked which Latin artist she was most inspired by, we were only a little surprised to discover it was Julieta Venegas. After all, la cantante de "Eres Para Mí" will be featured in one of Nelly's upcoming singles, and, as it turns out, has collaborated en unas cuantas canciones más del album.
Have we mentioned that we can't wait to hear that collaboration?

Bueno, and what else did Nelly learn during the recording of the upcoming album? Other than perfecting su acento español, Nelly also embraced her passionate Latina side, which she says will start to rub off on her English canciones también. Hmm, looks like any upcoming Nelly Furtado concerts are going to be a lot fo fun to watch!

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